Poniższe recenzje powstały w ramach projektu PO WER. Są to recenzje książek w języku angielskim i polskim przygotowane przez uczestników projektu, którzy podnosili swoje kompetencje językowe z zakresie nauki języka angielskiego w Polsce i na Malcie.
„The Bronze Horseman” by Paulina Simons
[ENG] There are books that will stay in the memory for many, many years. Such a book is probably “The Bronze Horseman” by Paulina Simons. This is the story of Tatiana and Alexander, whose love was born during the cruel times of World War II in Leningrad. We follow their common fate against the background of a turbulent history, with bated breath, believing that love can overcome the worst adversities. And although there are a lot of books on the subject of love and war on the market, Paulina Simons has an undoubted gift for telling a story that captivates the reader and provides a full range of sensations from great emotions, anger to tears of regret, but also sincere joy. 100% recommended.
“The last aristocrat” by Evźen Boćek
[ENG] Books we choose aren’t always meant to be an ambitious work or a literary classic. Sometimes we need to read something light and enjoyable to break away from everyday worries. Such relaxation can be provided by the book of the Czech writer Evźen Boćek entitled “The last aristocrat”;. With a grain of salt, author presents the story of an American family who inherit a castle in the Czech Republic and try to establish themselves in the role of aristocrats on the estate. Full of self-mockery and sarcasm, written with a great distance to the world. You get the impression that this is a „Czech film” and I recommend it to fans of this type of entertainment. It’s a short novel and
reads very quickly, and for those who like the story, the author has prepared 4 more volumes of continuation. Relaxing reading!
autor przygotował jeszcze 4 tomy kontynuacji. Relaksującej lektury!
“Time of the sun, time of the moon” by Agnieszka Waszak
[ENG] A colorful book in which 31 poems are collected, not only for children! The author speaks warmly about feelings, emotions, the surrounding world, as well as awakening self-confidence in children. Each of the lines is illustrated in color. The heroes of this book are: Mole, Owl, Dragon, Bat and other creatures. [PL] Kolorowa książka, w której jest zebrane 31 wierszy nie tylko dla dzieci! Autorka w ciepły sposób mówi o uczuciach, emocjach, o otaczającym świecie, a także budzących w dzieciach wiarę w siebie. Każdy z wierszy barwną ilustrację. Bohaterami tej książki są: Kret, Sowa, Smok, Nietoperz i inne Stworki.“Cassation” by Remigiusz Mróz
[ENG] The first volume of the series with Joanna Chyłka, „Cassation”, is a world of intrigues, crimes and intricate provisions of Polish law. All of this was closed into a coherent, engaging storyline created by the master of Polish crime fiction – Remigiusz Mróz. The main character of the criminal series written by Remigiusz Mróz is attorney Joanna Chyłka – an uncompromising lawyer who does not care about social norms, but feels great in legal paragraphs. He works at the law firm „Żelazny & McVay”, where he already has an established position. Kordian Oryński, known as Zordon, becomes her new trainee, who is shyly entering the corporate life. Will they jointly cope with the challenge of defending the murder accused with the particular cruelty of Piotr Langer, Junior? Find out for yourself, check out the book! [PL] Pierwszy tom serii z Joanną Chyłką „Kasacja” to świat intryg, przestępstw i zawiłych przepisów polskiego prawa. Wszystko to zostało zamknięte w spójną, zajmującą fabułę stworzoną przez mistrza polskiego kryminału – Remigiusza Mroza. Główną bohaterką kryminalnego cyklu napisanego przez Remigiusza Mroza jest mecenas Joanna Chyłka – bezkompromisowa pani adwokat, która za nic ma normy społeczne, za to świetnie czuje się w paragrafach prawnych. Pracuje w kancelarii „Żelazny & McVay”, gdzie ma już ugruntowaną pozycję. Jej nowym aplikantem, który nieśmiało wkracza w życie korporacji, zostaje Kordian Oryński, zwany – Zordonem. Czy wspólnie podołają wyzwaniu obrony oskarżonego o morderstwo ze szczególnym okrucieństwem Piotra Langera Juniora? Dowiedź się sam, zapraszam do książki!„Russian Lover” by Maria Nurowska
[ENG] Maria Nurowska has many interesting novels in her literary output. She can write beautifully about complicated relationships and difficult feelings. Her unique style is evident in each of her books and she never disappoints. In „Russian Lover” she confirms once again that it is possible to write about difficult topics and draw the reader in completely. And undoubtedly the relationship of an older woman with a much younger man is such. The story of Julia and Aleksander takes us to another world and breaks all conventions. When we read about Julia’s emotions, we have the impression that we are experiencing them ourselves, and this is what makes Mari Nurowska’s writing so special. The author also proves that women’s literature can be wise and valuable, so if you expect something more from a novel of manners, I recommend it. I assure you, that this book will stay in your memory for a long time. I heartily recommend it to you!
„Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini
[ENG] „Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini is one of the most famous novels of 2007 and a bestseller in many countries. The plot is set in Afghanistan in the twentieth century and tells the story of two women over the course of a quarter of a century, whose fates were linked by one man, the despotic Rosheed. When reaching for this book, you have to be aware that it isn’t an easy or pleasant subject. It is a picture of Afghan women condemned to the whims of men, to physical and mental violence, cruel punishments where the man – the torturer – is always justified. It is also a book about the great strength of women, their endurance and the power of belief that you can change your fate. This is one of those books when, after reading the last page, we sit for a moment more, holding it on our lap, a moment of reflection is guaranteed! I recommend reading and reflection.
„Atomic Habits” by James Clear
[ENG] James Clear is an author of this world bestseller, a self-help and personal development book. This book is a very good guide, which can lead us to change our old habits in simple manner. The main idea is that small changes in our daily behaviors, like waking up five minutes earlier every day, can make a big difference over a long time. The author cites hundreds of studies and scientific data, which confirm that people have a major impact on how their life appears. He states that even very little improvement to an everyday habit in our daily routine can make unbelievable progress in our life. This is a kind of chain reaction. If you are ready for a change, this book will be a good start! Enjoy!
„Comeback from Bambuko” by Katarzyna Nosowska
[ENG] „Make someone in Bambuko” in Polish means a situation, when someone is cheating, making a fool of another person, taking advantage of his or her naivety. „Comeback from Bambuko” is the second book by Katarzyna Nosowska, a well-known, versatile artist, former singer of the rock band „Hey”, and also a songwriter. The author deals in the last book with her childhood, pseudo-authorities and false beliefs that have accompanied her throughout her life. The book is funny and very sad at the same time. It stirs the most delicate strings of the soul, but the author gives as the best recipe for healing … distance and forgiveness to ourselves and others.
„Almond Tree” by Michell Cohen Corasanti
[ENG] This is a touching story told from the perspective of a boy witnessing the tragic events of
„You Are a Miracle – 50 Lessons to Make the Impossible Possible” by Regina Brett
[ENG] This book is a collection of fifty essays that will move the reader and make them reflect on life and transcendental topics. Although each of the stories is different, together they constitute a well-thought-out whole and give the reader hope for better in life. Above all the book has a therapeutic, refreshing effect. The stories recounted by Regina Brett, although very difficult and sad, provoke reflection and show how little we need to reverse the course of events and see small miracles in our lives. Enjoy reading this. [PL] „Jesteś cudem — 50 lekcji, dzięki którym niemożliwe stanie się możliwe” Reginy Brettto zbiór pięćdziesięciu esejów, które poruszą czytelnika i skłonią go do refleksji na temat życia i transcendentalnych tematów. Choć każda z opowieści jest inna, razem tworzą przemyślaną całość i dają czytelnikowi nadzieję na lepsze życie. Książka ma przede wszystkim działanie lecznicze, odświeżające. Historie opowiedziane przez Reginę Brett, choć bardzo trudne i smutne, prowokują do refleksji i pokazują, jak niewiele potrzeba, aby odwrócić bieg wydarzeń i zobaczyć małe cuda w naszym życiu. Miłej lektury.
Recenzje książek powstały w ramach projektu finansowanego z Funduszy Europejskich z programu PO WER (Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój) w ramach „Ponadnarodowej mobilności kadry niezawodowej edukacji dorosłych” – “Najlepszy kierunek na przyszłość – Biblioteka!”